Astrology | Tarot | I'Ching

Natal Chart Reading
Here we’ll explore your unique signatures and patterns described by your chart and look at planetary connections describing your initial appearance on this here Earth. This connects you to stories you live, have lived and will live. Understanding and playing with these patterns can be an empowering process as well as healing one. We will also look at your natal chart and track your current transits. This reading also provides a basis for all other astro-readings I offer. (75 minutes / $125*)
Check-in Reading
Once you've had an initial natal reading, we can set up a regularly scheduled or one-off session to focus on your unique transits in more detail. If there are particular questions or topics coming up for you, this reading is a good way to better understand the energies present in your current circumstances. I also schedule birthday readings that map your Solar Return Chart and offer intel for your intention-setting. Think of this as the New Year's resolution reading specifically for you. (60 minutes / $100*)
*Please inquire about a sliding scale price if you are in financial need

Phase Mapping
This is a deep-dive Astrology reading exploring the changing phases of your life, as they relate to your natal chart. Using both Modern and Traditional Astrological techniques, we can zoom in and out of longer swaths of time. If there are repetitive or changing patterns coming up for you, Phase Mapping helps to clarify the deeper story underneath them and where you are in them.
This reading is helpful for exploring and understanding the nature of your cycles, their changes and when they occur. Are you experiencing resistance to change? Is this slow or fast change, or something in between? Change has all sorts of tempos and styles, whether we’re motivating it or outside circumstances are.
Phase mapping also requires a little homework for the session by going back to find the timing of meaningful events that happened your life. I will guide you on this homework based on your individual needs.
Techniques used: Secondary Progressions, Zodiacal Releasing, Numerology (Life Path Numbers), Tarot (if it serves), I’Ching (if it serves). ( 90 mins / $150*)
*Please inquire about a sliding scale price if you are in financial need

Tarot and I'Ching
In Tarot readings, we check into a mood, question, topic, quandary or time-specific issue that you have. I work with both your impressions of the Tarot images and I also bring in Astrological and Numerology correspondences. (30 mins / $30* or 60 mins / $60*)
I'Ching readings are a good option for addressing your question with a very detailed "answer." I put the quotes around answer because the I'Ching works in riddles and can push us to look differently at our entrenched thinking patterns. So, in this reading, we work our way into your question, clearly articulate it and toss the coins. I also bring in imagery from the trigrams, which make up the hexagrams of the I'Ching (Heaven, Earth, Thunder, Mountain, Lake, Wind, Water, Fire). We will see what arises between your question and the energetic imagery that the I'Ching drums up. ($30 mins / $30 or 60* mins / $60*)
*Please inquire about a sliding scale price if you are in financial need